Command Response

A JSON-encoded data structure used to describe the behavior and UI of a Slapdash command.

A command should return a JSON that tells what the Command Bar should show or do. The JSON needs to conform to a certain format, which can be described with the TypeScript definition below.

interface CommandResponse {
   * Optional.
   * A side effect of the Command when it's run.
  action?: Action;

   * Optional.
   * The View the Command Bar should display
   * (List, Form etc.).
  view?: View;

   * Optional.
   * A way to configure the command before it can
   * be used. For example, to collect an API key.
  config?: Config;

   * Optional.
   * A way to customize how Command Bar tokens
   * that are visualized.
  tokens?: Token[];

   * Optional.
   * The placeholder text in the Command Bar's input.
  inputPlaceholder?: string;

Quick Examples

The simplest way to experiment with commands is to copy one of the examples below to a file with *.js extension and then create a Local Command in the Slapdash desktop app.

    action: {
      type: "open-url",
      url: "",

When selected in the Command Bar, the command just opens a particular URL in the browser:

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